
وقال الذين اتبعوا لو أن لنا كرة فنتبرأ منهم كما تبرءوا منا كذلك يريهم الله أعمالهم
The name's Aishwerya Laxshmi. Nineteen. Scorpio. Photography ; the way I look at it .
All Images and Artwork's are Copyrighted by Aishwerya Laxshmi.
Photographer & Designer.
and girlfriend to BHAVINDRAN (:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

this is for you!

dear paa,

im going away from you. i dont need you in my life already! i want u to move on.. dont come looking for me when i have completely gone from your life! find another girl so that she will keep you happy okay?? im gonna avoid you not even look at u.. be happy kay? goodbye farewell tc


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

1st day!

first day in college.....
gahhhh 2 complsry subjects Malaysian Studies and Moral Studies.... pfffft!
it was weird:

chinese girl: *pokes me*
me: i starred at her
chinese girl: are you a scary person?
me:HUH? no...
chinese girl: people in our class are scared of you..
me:GOOD TO KNOW!!! =,=
(padahal im like the shortest girl in the class pffffft..!)

and 1st day of class I HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT DUE 2WEEKS BEFORE MY FINALS... what the eff laaaaa..

besides that my campus is awesome!!! roman architecture... :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

those were the days

the photos were taken sometime ago...... ignore my young face!

Friday, June 25, 2010

hairstyles i wanna try!!!

or should i just shut up and leave it..?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


curse you mas-sie!!!!

i was on waitinglist on the 23 and 25th they effin did not inform me anything till i told amma to juz call them and ask whats happening... they actually said its confirmed for today the 23rd =.= WTF!! they said they called!!!! so now ill be going back after the 2nd only :(

p.s/ sory dhivie not my fault!!! :(